Engoo 博客 词汇与语法 常见错误

【常见错误】look up a dictionary 是错的?九种英语常见错误用法!

【常见错误】look up a dictionary 是错的?九种英语常见错误用法!

校对/ Westia Sun


我们有一些经常犯的搭配词 (collocations) 错误,




Engoo 和你一起除错,让你的英语更加道地,不再闹笑话。


额外的协助=extra assistance?

"额外的协助" 我们确实会使用名词 assistance,

但形容词方面,相较于 extra,

further / additional assistance 的用法更为正确且常见喔!


If you need further assistance please revert.


We are glad to hear of the promise of additional assistance.


查词典=look up a dictionary?


你应该就知道 "look up" 这个短语的意思是"查询" ,

有些人自然而然会说 "look up a dictionary" 这种似是而非的用法,


因为 look up 后面要加查询的东西(例如一个单词 "the word" ),

在哪里查询则应该在后面附注(如:in a dictionary),

所以查词典就会说 "look up the word in a dictionary" 。

要记得,look up 是可拆分短语,



你可以说:look up the word、look the word up,

但要注意如果宾语是代词(you, me, him / her, us, them, it)的话,



  • (O) look up the word
  • (O) look the word up
  • (O) look them up
  • (X) look up them


If you can't understand the word, you can look it up in a dictionary.



除此之外,另外一种查词典的用法是 "consult a dictionary" 。


When I don't know the meaning of a word, I would consult a dictionary.


找新工作=search a new position? 

相较于 job,position 是一个相对正式 "工作" 的用法,

而找工作的英语不是 "search a position" ,

正确的动词搭配是 "seek a new position" 或 "look for a new position" 。


Everyone knew she was seeking a new position, although she didn't say it.


感染疾病=infect the disease?

感染的英语是 infect,可能是生物疾病感染,也可能是电脑病毒的感染,

但"某人感染疾病" 绝对不是 "infect the disease" ,

中文我们会说某人感染疾病,但实际上是 "被" 感染,

所以 infect 要搭配使用被动语态,

 "某人感染疾病" 正确的用法是:

sb be infected with + disease(或某种疾病的名称)

或者你也可以说 "sb catch the disease" 。


They can't believe their child was infected with HIV.

他们不能相信他们的孩子感染了HIV 。

If you come into contact with the patients, you risk catching the disease.



解决问题=solve the issue?

issue 可以是动词,也可以是名词,

当名词的时候,除了是 "组织、(报刊)期" 之外,也有 "问题、争议" 的意思。

而说到解决问题,我们多半会下意识想到动词 "solve" ,

但 solve 其实并不常和 issue 连用,

常见的用法是 "solve / resolve a problem" ,

如果你要用 "issue" ,动词则是 "resolve an issue" !

solve 和 resolve 的意思都是 "解决" ,有什么不一样?

solve 更偏向一些 "单方面可以解决" 问题,

而 resolve 偏向 "需要双方、多方解决" 的问题。


You can't solve your problem by running away.


Negotiation is the best way to resolve the issue.


【补充】solve 和 resolve 的搭配词

  • solve / resolve a problem 解决问题
  • solve / resolve a crisis 处理危机
  • solve / resolve a conflict 解决冲突
  • solve / resolve a question 解决疑问
  • solve a dilemma 解决进退两难的局面
  • solve sb's difficulties 解决困难
  • resolve the differences 消除分歧
  • resolve a matter 解决事情
  • resolve a situation 处理状况


忠实顾客=faithful customer?

faithful 的意思是 "忠诚的、忠实的" ,

常见搭配像是 "faithful friend" (忠诚的朋友)

或 "faithful supporter" (忠实的拥护者)。

在 "忠实顾客" 上,我们不用 faithful,

正确的用法是 "loyal customer" 。

(但 loyal 也可以搭配 friend 或是 supporter 喔!)


The article talks about 3 ways to build a loyal customer base.


表达我的不满=show my dissatisfaction?

表达不满经常被直观翻译为 "show the dissatisfaction" ,

但在英语里面,更常搭配的动词其实是 "express" ,

express 的意思是 "表达、展现(感觉、情绪)" 。

express 后面可以接的词很多,像是:

  • express the dissatisfaction 表达不满
  • express the opposition to 表示对⋯⋯反对
  • express doubts 表示疑虑
  • express one's opinions / views 表达⋯⋯的意见
  • express an interest in 表示对⋯⋯的兴趣
  • express concern about 表达对⋯⋯的疑虑
  • express my thanks / gratitude / appreciation 表达感谢


It is hard for me to express my dissatisfaction in a letter.


First of all, I'd like to express my appreciation for all your efforts.


大量=a big quantity?

当你要说 "大量" 的英语时,千万不要说 "a big quantity" !


  • a large quantity
  • a great quantity
  • a vast quantity
  • a huge quantity
  • an enormous quantity
  • a considerable quantity
  • a substantial quantity


These three software can handle huge quantities of data.


He had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.



  • a small quantity
  • a tiny quantity
  • a minute quantity


迅速回覆=fast response?

在英语书信往来中,当你想表达 "迅速回覆" 的时候,

千万不要说 "fast response" !

"迅速回覆" 的英语你可以使用以下几种说法:

  • prompt response
  • swift response
  • speedy response
  • quick response
  • immediate response
  • efficient response

(并且以上 response 都可以替换成 reply 喔!)


Thank you for the prompt reply.



They believe that there is no risk that they will ______ the disease.

A. infect B. defect C. catch

The rock contains _______ quantities of copper.

A. small B. big

It's necessary for us to find a way to _________ our differences.

A. resolve B. solve



快和 Engoo 老师一起多练习吧!