Engoo 博客 主题式学英语 节庆英语



编辑/ 许哲玮

校对/ Westia Sun







Lunar New Year 农历新年

Chinese New Year 中国新年

Spring Festival 春节

  • lunar (adj.) 月亮的 / 农历的(因为农历是以月亮为参考)
  • Lunar calendar 农历

Reunion dinner 团圆饭

  • reunion (n.) 团聚

New Year’s Eve 除夕

  • eve (n.) 前夕(eg Christmas Eve 圣诞夜)

Red envelopes 红包

  • envelope (n.) 信封

To light firecrackers 放鞭炮

  • light (v.) 点灯 / 点亮
  • firecrackers (n.)鞭炮

Chinese New Year couplet 春联

  • couplet (n.) 对句

Incense sticks(拜拜用的)香

  • incense (n.) 香氛



1. 饺子 Dumplings

象征:招财进宝 May wealth comes to you.

2. 年糕 Rice cake (new year cake)

象征:步步高升 May you have great progress in your career / study.

3. (白)萝卜 Chinese raddish / Daikon

象征:好彩头 Wish you a wonderful beginning of the year.

4. 长年菜(芥菜) Mustard greens

象征:长命百岁 Wish you longevity.

5. 韭菜 Chinese chives

象征:长长久久 May you be with your loved ones forever.

6. 凤梨 Pineapples

象征:(财源)旺来 Wishing you prosperity and wealth.

7. 汤圆 Sweet dumplings / rice balls

象征:事事圆满 May you have a successful year and pull off everything perfectly.

8. 鱼 Fish

象征:年年有余 May there be extra fortune / harvest every year.

9. 发糕 Rice cake(只要是用米做的话都可以这样叫)

象征:升官发财 Wish you advancement and wealth.


马上和 Engoo 外教分享你家乡的过年习俗吧!
