【用英语怎么说】都跟 take 有关!学会这些短语轻松表达外带、改衣服、占空间英语

文/ 张歆悦
校对/ Westia Sun
take 这个单词相信大家都不陌生,不过加上介词 off, over, to 之后,
今天要教大家十个常见的 take 短语,将基本用法一网打尽!
take out
(1) 外带
Do you want to eat in or take out?
【补充】eat in 内用
(2) 将(物品)拿出
Please go back to your seat and take out your textbook. Let's start the lesson.
(3) 暗杀某人
My boss asked me to take Sofia out. I have no choice.
我的老大叫我杀了 Sofia,我别无选择。
(4) 跟某人约会
Didn't you take John out for dinner last night? How was it?
你昨天晚上不是跟 John 去约会吗?结果怎么样?
take in
(1) 把衣服改小或是改窄
This blouse is too big for me. I need to take it in.
(2) 将某人事物带回家
I found this dog covered in dirt in a pouring rain, then I took it in out of sympathy.
(3) 理解或吸收某件事情
What the speaker said was too complicated to take in within a limited time.
take over
(1) 接管;接替
The company faces many financial problems and is likely to be taken over by another company.
Miranda was laid off yesterday, which means someone has to take over her position.
Miranda 昨天被开除了,这代表得有人接替他的职务。
take up
(1) 占空间、时间
Mom would not agree to buy a new desk because it will take up too much space.
(2) 尝试新事物
My son has taken up cycling for three months. I am so glad that he starts doing what benefits his health.
(3) 和某人讨论某事
Indulging yourself in sad songs won't help anything. I strongly suggest you take your problem (up) with the instructor.
take after
(1) 和某人在个性或行为方面很像
Sandra takes after her father——they both have a bad temper.
Sandra 跟他父亲很像——他们脾气都不好。
take back
(1) 取回;拿回
Could I take my cell phone back? I have been standing in the corner for two hours.
(2) 收回(说出的话;承诺)
She is very trustworthy. Once she makes a promise she will never take it back.
(3) 退还(购买物)
Since you do not like the shirt. I will take it back tomorrow.
take off
(1) 飞机起飞
Please fasten your seatbelt. The plane is going to take off.
(2) 事业起飞
His career just takes off, which means he might not have time to do things other than working.
(3) 脱掉
It's not appropriate to take off your shirt on the bus.
take on
(1) 处理艰难或棘手的人事物
If no one wants to handle the task, Amy will take on it.
如果没有要处理这个工作,Amy 会接手它。
(2) 和某人竞争、对抗
Most of the people are not willing to express different ideas, because they don't want to take on anyone.
take down
(1) 做纪录;笔记
A good way to absorb information is to take down some notes.
(2) 击垮某人
You had better think twice before challenging Sam. He had taken ten people down in thirty minutes.
你最好在跟 Sam 下战帖前先想清楚。他曾经有过三十分钟击垮十个人的纪录。
take to
(1) 喜欢某人事物
In order to secure the job, you have to make the interviewers take to you within five minutes.
(2) 开始某种习惯
I have taken to reading books before sleeping recently.
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