【用英语怎么说】除了 years- old 以外的英语年龄表示法

校对/ Westia Sun
除了常用的 "I'm 20 years old." 还有什么表示年龄的用法?
infant / baby:0~2 岁
toddler / pre-schooler:3~5 岁
child:6~8 岁
pre-teenager:9~12 岁
teenager:13~18 岁
adolescents:16~18 岁
adult:18~55 岁
middleage:45~55 岁
elderly / senior citizens:55 岁以上
in one's early twenties(20~23岁)20 出头
in one's mid-twenties(24, 25岁)20 多岁
in one's late twenties(26~29岁)20 多岁末
若要表示其他年龄段则以其他数字替代 twenties,
如:teens / thirties / forties…。
sb just / recently turned six. 刚满六岁
a man aged 65 一位六十五岁的男人
名词后加上 aged + 数字,表示 "~岁的",用来形容前面的名词。
Citizens above twenty years of age are eligible.
sb be over the hill.
和 "走下坡" 有相似的含义,表示已经不是年轻力壮的巅峰期,
He is forty right now, but I don't think he is over the hill. He still goes jogging every morning, rain or shine.
sb be no spring chicken.
spring chicken 是指未长成的小鸡,
一般来说 no spring chicken 是用在负面的意涵,
Hey, you are no spring chicken. Why are you still acting like that?
sb be wise beyond one’s years.
Emma is wise beyond her years. That's why people ask her for help.
Emma 比她的实际年龄还要成熟。这也是为什么大家都找她帮忙。
sb have a senior moment.
Mom had a senior moment last week when she forgot where she put the remote controller that was in her hands minutes ago.
sb live to a ripe old age.
a ripe old age 指的是高寿、长寿,
因此 live to a ripe old age 表示某人很长寿,
也可以用 at a ripe old age of~ 表示高龄~岁。
My grandma died at a ripe old age of 95, when I was 20.
我奶奶过世于高龄九十五岁, 当时我才二十岁。
都学会这些 "年龄" 的用法、惯用语了吗?
不妨尝试直接用在对话中,线上和 Engoo 老师练习!