
文/ 康珈甄
校对/ Westia Sun
a stitch in time (saves nine) 及时行事,事半功倍
stitch 做动词有缝纫的意思,a stitch in time (saves nine) 字面上意义是及时缝一针可以省九针,
Tina: There is a hole on our roof. We should fix it right away.
Tina: 我们家的屋顶有破洞。应该要马上修补它。
Jack:Sure. A stitch in time saves nine.
like clockwork 非常规律、极为准时
clockwork 是钟表的零件、
所以就可以用 clockwork 来形容非常规律或非常准时的意思。
Since the recent improvements to the service, the trains are running like clockwork.
the 11th hour 最后一刻
the 11th hour 一般认为出自《圣经》,在圣经的寓言故事中,
"And when those came who were hired about the 11th-hour, they each received a denarius.",
而句中 the 11th hour 就是犹太人所说的 "第十一时" ,
相当于日落收工前的下午五点,因此有 "最后一刻" 的意思。
The game was delayed at the eleventh hour.
around the clock 不眠不休、日以继夜
around 有环绕、四处、附近的意思,
around the clock 就像是环绕时钟跑一般,
That convenience store is open around the clock. We can find some food for late night supper there.
那间便利商店 24 小时营业。我们可以去那找些食物当夜宵。
kill time 打发时间
kill time 这个用法大家应该不陌生,字面上是杀时间的意思,也就是指打发时间。
We have to wait for 3 hours in the hotel. Let's take a nap to kill time.
in the nick of time 紧要关头
nick 做名词表示的是缺口、裂痕。
in the nick of time,在时间的裂缝中,表示时间非常紧急、刻不容缓,
常和 arrive...、get there...、happen...、save something… 连用。
The plane is going to take off, and John just got to the airport in the nick of time.
飞机将要起飞,John 刚刚在紧要关头赶到机场了。
The ship has sailed. 木已成舟
The ship has sailed. 是一个常用的美式成语,字面上是船已经开走了的意思,
Ken: What did Gina say after watching the movie with me last month? I have two tickets for "The Avengers", maybe we can...
Ken: Gina 上个月和我一起看完电影后有说什么吗?我这里有两张复仇者联盟的票,也许我们...
Kelvin: Hey, that ship has sailed. She's got a boyfriend now.
Kelvin: 嘿,你已经错失良机了。她现在有男朋友了。
call it a day 收工、下班
call it a day 不知道的人可能会以为是 "就叫他一天" 的意思,
是一个很常见的用法,如果收工时间是在晚上的话也可以用 call it a night 替换。
It's already 10 pm. Let's call it a night!
现在和 Engoo 老师线上互动聊聊,可以加强印象喔!