Engoo 博客 词汇与语法 英语短语

【英语短语】突然想到、和盘托出、让步说法,come 除了来还有这些意思

【英语短语】突然想到、和盘托出、让步说法,come 除了来还有这些意思

文/ 康珈甄

校对/ Westia Sun

come 这个单词想必大家都学过,除了基本的"来" 外,

这些包含 come 的常见英语短语又代表什么意思,让 Engoo 告诉你吧!


come to sb 一个念头突然冒出、突然想起

come to sb 用来表达突然有个想法、念头,

或是突然想起一件事,这个形容就像是一个想法 "突然来到脑袋里" 的感觉。


An idea came to me after watching the movie.


come to V 渐渐......

come to 除了前面提到 come to sb 表示突然想起外,

come to 接上动词则是表示一个人逐渐......,

例如:come to believe… 开始相信...、come to love… 渐渐喜欢上...。


I came to hate my German class because of the hard exam.


come to an end 即将结束

come to an end 很容易理解,就是 "来到尾声、即将结束" 的意思,



Tina is enjoying the concert, but it's about to come to an end.

Tina 很享受这场演唱会,但是演出也即将到达尾声了。

All good things (must) come to an end


come to 总和

come to 也有总和的含意,通常是指购物等帐单的消费总金额。


A:What does our bill come to?


B:It comes to RMB¥2,000.

B:总共人民币 2,000 元。

come clean 和盘托出

come clean 指的是把一直守口如瓶的秘密讲出来。


The police asked the man to come clean regarding the murder happened last night.


come again?请再说一遍

"Come again?" 和 "Pardon?"、"Excuse me?" 一样,



What? Come again? I didn't hear what you said.


come unglued 失控、大发脾气

come unglued 这个惯用语是指抓狂失控、大发脾气的意思,

下次要讲生气、大发雷霆时,不只 "angry" ,come unglued 也可以更生动的表达生气!


Emma tried not to come unglued because of trivial matters.

Emma 试着不要因为芝麻绿豆大的事大发雷霆。

come around 让步、改变立场

come around 可以用来形容人决定让步、改变立场,



It was not easy for your dad to come around. He is a stubborn man.



这些 come 的常见短语都学会了吗?

赶快线上和 Engoo 老师聊聊增加印象吧!