Engoo 博客 词汇与语法 英语短语

【英语短语】如何用英语说 "昙花一现" 和 "弹指之间" 与时间有关的英语 PART2

【英语短语】如何用英语说 "昙花一现" 和 "弹指之间" 与时间有关的英语 PART2

校对/ Westia Sun

大家还记得时间的英语短语 PART 1 吗?

小编让大家久等了,热腾腾的 PART 2 已经到来! 

这次包含了很多更特别的短语了,如果你想知道如何用英语说 "昙花一现" 和 "弹指之间" ,那我们就二话不说的继续看下去吧!


Time for a change = 停止/ 改变长久以来一直在做的事物


After working for the same company for 15 years, Tom feels like it's time for a change.

在同一家公司待了 15 年后,汤姆觉得是时候换公司了。



就如上面的例句一样, "time for a change" 并没有带出汤姆是要换工作还是换公司,但前一句有指出 "the same company" 所以这代表汤姆要换公司。


Come of age = 成熟;成年;发达


John has come of age now, he could make his own decisions in life. 


Growing into one of the great medieval trading cities, London truly came of age in the 11th century.


Crack of dawn = 大清早;黎明;破晓时分


We'll have to leave at the crack of dawn.



这句短语一律搭配 "at" 介词。

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Five o’clock shadow = 胡茬


You cannot go for your interview with a five o'clock shadow! Go and have it shaved!


For the time being = 暂时;暂且


You can stay in my house for the time being, but at the same time, you need to save up so that you can get your own apartment soon.



也可以用 "meanwhile" 。


Time flies = 时光飞逝


Time flies when you're having fun. 


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As time goes by = 随着时光的流逝


As time goes by, his grandfather's memory seems to worsen / get worst.



  • worst = 变差的;变严重的
  • a lot worst = 变更差的;变更严重的

当你想要假设一个最糟的情况,大部分都会用 "worst-case scenario" 

  • worst-case scenario = 最坏的可能 / 最糟的情况


The study concludes that in a worst-case scenario, there might be 80,000 people infected.


Have one’s moment = 某人成功 / 值得得意的时候(一律是说明正面的行为或表现)


Let him have his moment! He worked really hard for this promotion.


Here today, gone tomorrow = 今天来,明天走;昙花一现


A lot of new internet small firms are here today and gone tomorrow.


Be grateful for what we have today because they may be here today and gone tomorrow.


In an instant = 立即;马上;弹指之间


If he  apologized  and admitted his mistakes, I would take him back in an instant!


Like clockwork = 非常有规律;极为准时


Since the recent improvements to the service, the buses are running like clockwork.


My mom calls me every Friday evening, as regular as clockwork.



当你想要形容一个人事物的性质时,可以使用 "as...as" 这如同:与...一样 / 和...一样 / 似的

  • as fast as a leopard = 和美洲豹一样的快
  • as bright as the sun = 和太阳一样灿烂


In the long run = 从长远看;终究


This seems like the best solution for our economy in the long run. 



  • short run = 短期;目前

For short run decisions, the ability to predict seasonal fluctuations is often essential.


The moment of truth = 关键时刻


Lift-off is always the moment of truth for a new rocket.


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Have time on one’s hand = 某人(手上)有闲暇的时间


Lily should start looking for a job since she has graduated and will have a lot of time on her hands.



  • have a lot of / too much time on one's hand = 某人有很多 / 太多闲暇的时间
  • have little / too little time on one's hand = 某人没有太多 / 极少的时间


Once in a blue moon = 少有的


My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.



也可以用 "not very often" 或是  "rare" 。




从时间的英语短语 PART 1 和 PART 2 大家已经学了 35 个英语短语!


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