Engoo 博客 词汇与语法 英语语法

【英语语法】考试必考的分词构句,这样理解保证不再搞混! (下)

【英语语法】考试必考的分词构句,这样理解保证不再搞混! (下)

文/ 尹宜蓁

校对/ Westia Sun

简单来说,分词构句就是 "减化版的副词从句" 。





Step2若副词从句的主语 = 主要从句的主语,则去掉副词从句的主语若副词从句的主语 ≠ 主要从句的主语,则保留副词从句的主语(独立分词构句)
Step3若副词从句为主动,把动词改为 V-ing(如果改完是 being 也可省略)若副词从句为被动,则去掉 be 动词



Because I overslept this morning, I was late for school.

Step 1. 找到副词从句,并把连接词去掉

>> Because I overslept this morning, I was late for school.

Step 2. 副词从句和主要从句的主语皆为 I,则可去掉副词从句中的 I

>> Because I overslept this morning, I was late for school.

Step 3. 副词从句为主动,把动词改为 V-ing

>> Oversleeping this morning, I was late for school.



When he was taking a bath, he came up with a good idea.

Step 1. 找到副词从句,并把连接词去掉

>> When he was taking a bath, he came up with a good idea.

Step 2. 副词从句和主要从句的主语皆为 he,则可去掉副词从句中的 he

>> When he was taking a bath, he came up with a good idea.

Step 3. 副词从句为主动,把动词改为 V-ing

>> Being taking a bath, he came up with a good idea.

动词改为 V-ing 后是 being,being 可省略

>> Taking a bath, he came up with a good idea.



After she was seated by the window, she started to read the menu.

Step 1. 若将连接词 after 去掉,两动作的前后关系不清楚,因此保留 after

Step 2. 副词从句和主要从句的主语皆为 she,则可去掉副词从句中的 she

>> After she was seated by the window, she started to read the menu.

Step 3. 副词从句为被动,去掉 be 动词

>> After seated by the window, she started to read the menu.



As the pandemic broke out, the streets became empty.

Step 1. 找到副词从句,并把连接词去掉

>> As the pandemic broke out, the streets became empty.

Step 2. 副词从句的主语是 the pandemic,主要从句的主语是 the street,两者不一样,所以都要保留

Step 3. 副词从句为主动,把动词改为 V-ing

>> The pandemic breaking out, the streets became empty.


除了副词从句外,and 所引导的从句有时也会被减化为分词构句,


接下来的范例 5 就是以 and 从句减化的分词构句:


He went to a convenience store, and he bought a bottle of water.

Step 1. 找到 and 从句,并把连接词 and 去掉

>> He went to a convenience store, and he bought a bottle of water.

Step 2. and 从句和主要从句的主语皆为 he,则可去掉 and 从句中的 he

>> He went to a convenience store, and he bought a bottle of water.

Step 3. and 从句为主动,把动词改为 V-ing

>> He went to a convenience store, buying a bottle of water.



不过它的大原则就是 "在语意清楚的情况下删减文字" 。



